New York City must be on the forefront of providing the highest quality of post high school education. Higher and continuing education must be available and accessible to every person driven to pursue an expansion of knowledge. We must increase education opportunities to accommodate a wide variety of fields. People of all ages and personal circumstances must be able to learn and self develop.
Amber supports giving students the option to begin specifically preparing for their professional career while still in high school by enabling students to learn trades skills and earn program certificates during their senior year of high school.
As your next City Council member, Amber’s district office will provide resources for crucial financial literacy skills for ages teen to adult. She will also expand the internship program within her office to help more local college students get real life work experience. She will also help more businesses in the area offer internship and experience based learning opportunities. This will help people expand their skills and make them more competitive in the job market.
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I support Amber Adler for New York City Council because she will give people the tools they need to succeed! #VoteAmberAdler
Amber Adler will help more businesses in the are offer internship and experience based learning opportunities! #VoteAmberAdler
#VoteAmberAdler – She will provide resources for crucial financial literacy skills for ages teen to adult!