Cars, trains, buses, bikes, scooters, and pedestrians are all pieces of our district’s transportation puzzle. We need to advance a system of transportation equity which supports all New Yorkers, regardless of how they choose to travel. Furthermore, we must work to swiftly combat the aggression, reckless behavior and inattentiveness that perpetuates dangerous behaviors on our streets and sidewalks.
All users of our public spaces have an opportunity to contribute to keeping our streets safe. Our streets, sidewalks, plazas and open spaces deserve the same level of intentional and thoughtful safe street design that a have made so many other neighborhoods significantly safer. Our commercial corridors must be designed to promote the efficient turnover of vehicles to maximize parking opportunities. Our public transit system must be accessible to all to reduce the addition of unnecessary traffic on our streets. We need to take a real hard look at the actual causes of congestion on our highways and local streets then advocate for projects to address it. Right here at home in the district.
As the mother of two young boys, and car crash survivor who endured years of pain and suffering from multiple injuries, Amber knows the vital necessity of having an elevator at every train station and will work to accomplish that for the district. Therefore she supports the planned elevator addition at the Sheepshead Bay B/Q station and will continue to fight for all train stations in the district to have an elevator. Amber also supports the Fair Fares program, Metro Cards for Students and affordable commutes on public transportation for seniors. Furthermore, Amber will collaborate with other lawmakers and safety related organizations to hold reckless drivers accountable.
Amber will work with the Department of Transportation (with input from community members) to push for treatment of traffic corridors as opposed to isolated intersections. Amber will also work with DOT and other traffic experts to create strategic upgrades to slow speeding cars and help put an end to drag racing where it is prevalent. Amber also supports neckdowns and raised medians. Additionally, she supports protected bike lanes to keep motorized scooters and zooming bicycles from continuing to endanger our most vulnerable pedestrians on the sidewalks.
In recent years, Amber stood with community leaders and hundreds of community members to fight against a previous push for excessive removal of parking spaces on Kings Highway. Amber will continue fight to maintain and work to identify new locations for additional diagonal parking spaces to be added across the district.
“I have seen too many near death experiences in our district caused by reckless driving, road rage and distracted driving. These horrific tragedies on the streets of this district need to end immediately. That’s why as your next council member, I am going to fight to secure the transportation upgrades we need to protect people from serious injury or death.”
Amber Adler, Candidate for New York City Council
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I support Amber Adler because she supports Metro Cards for Students! #VoteAmberAdler for New York City Council !
Amber Adler will also hold reckless drivers accountable. She’s got my vote! #VoteAmberAdler for New York City Council !
Southern Brooklyn’s streets, sidewalks, plazas and open spaces deserve safe street design! #VoteAmberAdler for City Council !