As the daughter of a nurse, Amber grew up around a daily flow of information relating to the failings of the healthcare system. She witnessed her mother, a nurse, and former Director of Clinical Services come home emotionally drained and depleted from fighting to help her patients navigate loopholes that many times led to medical brick walls, inaccessible services, unaffordable treatments and more. This forever changed how Amber saw healthcare.
Amber will fight for the highest quality of medical treatments to be affordably available to every New Yorker. She will also hold medical providers serving our community accountable for providing honest, fair and quality service to all people. Any consituent believing they have been a victim of medical misrepresentation, discrimination or insurance related fraud may seek relevant resources and guidance from Amber’s district office.
As your next council member, Amber will increase the number of mobile health centers which provide crucial services such as free cholesterol and glucose screenings, mammograms, prostate screenings, flu shots. She will also launch an Annual Community Health Day where medical professionals, service providers, health organizations and area residents of all ages can interact, connect with resources, meet local medical professionals and connect to the information they need.
Mental health is vital to every community. Our community needs more psychologists and social workers to provide residents with faster turn around times for accessing service. Amber will support organizations that offer mental health care services in every way that she can.
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#VoteAmberAdler because Amber will increase the number of mobile health centers which provide crucial services such as free cholesterol and glucose screenings, mammograms, prostate screenings, flu shots.
I am voting for Amber Adler. She is the daughter of a nurse and an advocate for access to affordable healthcare. #VoteAmberAdler for New York City Council !