
Amber Adler 2023 Campaign for New York City Council

Affordable Housing

Across the district, both property owners and renters are being priced out…

Animals & Wildlife

Southern Brooklyn is home to a bevy of animals. There are many great…


Combating hate with education, denouncing antisemitic attacks and…


Access to affordable childcare is crucial for families living in Southern Brooklyn…


We must prioritize public health by implementing structures…

Disability Access

From uneven sidewalks to narrow doorways leading to local…

Education (K-12)

Educating the full child begins with equity. We must open up…

Educational Advancement

New York City must be on the forefront of giving…


Amber believes that everyone is entitled to live in an environment that’s healthy…

Hate Crimes

Amber is a fixture in the fight against hate and bigotry. She has worked…

Health Care

As the daughter of a nurse, Amber saw firsthand the failings of our healthcare…

Immigrant Services

Amber has been at the forefront of developing…


Amber has been at the forefront of developing new strategies…

Public Safety

Public Safety is vital for our community. Amber supports a multi-tier approach to…

Quality of Life

Amber will fight to further expand resources that improve quality…

Safe Streets

Cars, trains, buses, bikes, scooters, and pedestrians are all pieces of our…


Amber knows how important seniors are to their families and to our…

Small Business

Small business is what makes our neighborhoods shine. Amber will…

Special Need Services

Amber is the mother of two children with IEP’s and knows…


As the daughter of a veteran, Amber is deeply concerned for the needs of this heroic…


Unity and community go hand in hand. To achieve unity…

Women’s Rights

There is still more to be done in the fight to achieve equal pay for equal…